Right now, the number of people who are becoming aware of the healing properties of food, plants and water is growing, but there are still few who know that, when receiving their vital energies from the sun, the air and the waters, the earth itself is a powerful agent of healing and physical regeneration.
The three different modalities in which it can be presented, clay, mud and sand, all contribute to vitality and restore our health.
The miracle of clay is a relatively unknown healing phenomenon, it seems essential to observe the properties and uses of it.
Clay properties:
For healing and therapeutic purposes, clay can be used both internally and externally.
One of the peculiarities of clay is based on its physical-chemical domain. From a thermodynamic point of view, we must recognize that clay can not be the only source of energy of the phenomena that it provokes. Its effectiveness derives from a dynamic presence much more significant than the simple study of its uses. It is more a catalyst than an agent. This is because the clay is alive, the earth is alive.
It would be presumptuous to try to give a precise and concrete explanation of the basic action of the clay. Among the properties to which its effects can be attributed are also radioactivity. Clay is to some extent radioactive, like all things, but its radioactivity is generally imperceptible to the checking mechanisms currently used in laboratories. The only exception is some types of mud.
This subject has been the subject of considerable debate or controversy, and scientists differ greatly in their appreciation of the importance of radioactivity in clay, a problem that is further complicated by the differences between one clay and another. But complexity is not limited to clay, and it is not easy to find a solid scientific explanation for the effects of radiation itself. According to some scientists, a gas, called Radon, is responsible for the harmful radiation of the so-called cancer. For others that same gas gives rise to vapors beneficial to health. From this point of view, the spas of the island of Capri and numerous healing waters owe Radon its therapeutic properties.
It seems that, among many other properties, clay has the ability to stimulate an insufficiency or absorb an excess of radioactivity in the organism on which it is applied. In an organism that has been subjected to and still conserves radiation from the radio or from any other intense radioactive source, the radioactivity is first increased and then absorbed. This radioactive effect has been exhaustively investigated, and nowadays, when we are all inexorably exposed to numerous artificially provoked radioactive aggressions, such as the existence of radioactive dust in the atmosphere as a result of nuclear tests, we must avoid everything that increases this risk. The experiments carried out with the Geiger counters have shown that dry clay absorbs an important part of this radioactivity that surrounds us.
The absorption capacity of the clay is extraordinary. Clay has the power to attract and absorb, or to stimulate the evacuation of toxic and useless elements. In general, clay shows a remarkable resistance to the chemical agents, and only the most active can attack it. As a bacteria-destroying agent, you can turn contaminated water into drinking water. His absorption sensor has contributed to the elimination of the chlorine taste of water in a city like Paris. But its action is not limited to deodorization, but continues throughout the digestive system and helps to eliminate numerous foreign bodies, including gases.
These absorbent properties, which are undoubtedly due to the micromolecular structure of clay, explain its action, but only in part.
There are substances that do not destroy themselves when acting, it are the diastases and the enzymes, that clay is specially rich on. Some of these diastases, the oxidases, have the capacity to fix the free oxygen, which explains the purifying and enriching effect of the clay on the blood.
But the knowledge of these properties would not be enough to explain the action of the clay, especially if we ignore that this is a powerful agent of stimulation, tranformation and transmission of energy. As every fragment from a magnet retains its properties, any piece of clay retains a significant amount of the energy of that enormous and powerful magnetic unit that is the planet Earth. This radioactive action transmits to the organism an extraordinary force and contributes to reconstruct the vital potential by means of the liberation of the latent energy.
We have incredible sources of energy that normally remain dormant, and the clay fulfills the function of awakening them.
The clay acts symbiotically on the organism but as it is impossible to check and control what happens in living organisms, we have to limit ourselves to the hypothesis. However, the action of the clay and the results achieved allow us to get a fairly accurate idea of ??its properties and assure us of its outstanding organo-therapeutic value.
Almost all types of mud or silt contains active ingredients, capable of causing a cellular reconstruction and accelerating all organic processes. This problem of rejuvenation can only be solved with the help of the resources of life, nature and its elements, and never with synthetic products. Any possible similarity between the clay and the chemical drugs will only be apparent, since there is a basic difference between the antiseptic action of the former and that of the chemical substances. All chemical product is dead matter that acts blindly and destroys all the bacteria indiscriminately: good and bad, healthy and sick, beneficial and harmful.
An obvious fact is that the clay acts with great wisdom, which always goes to the damaged or diseased area. When it is used internally, it is absorbed orally, anally or vaginally, the clay is always directed to the damaged place, where it may stay for several days, and finally it is evacuated, dragging with it the pus, the rotten blood, etc.
Both helping to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic germs and parasites and contributing to the reconstruction of tissues and cells, it can be said that clay is a living cure, and the simple observation of nature is enough to convince us that it is impossible to reproduce its properties by chemical or physical means. Neither chemistry nor physics are capable of reconstructing life.
Before using clay:
Choosing clay: There are many varieties of clay, of different colors, these depend on the quantities of minerals it contains. According to the analyzes carried out at the National Center for Scientific Research in France, the clay is composed of the following oxides and chemical elements: silica (31.14-41.38), titanium (0.47-1.89), aluminum (40.27-48.13), iron (0.11) -0.78), calcium (0.05-0.13), magnesium (remains up to 0.05), sodium and potassium (0.25-0.85), the bariety and quantity of these components determine their coloration and properties. It is important to find out which is the one that best suits our needs. When we use natural products we are not resorting to an inert substance, but to life itself. We must therefore use all the time necessary to find the one that best suits us.
The clay is alive. There are ties of affinity between her and all living beings, be they plants, animals or men. The same clay can give wonderful results in one person and seem inoperative in another. In fact it is always active, but only to a degree that it will be a function of the relationship between the person and the clay in question. When it seems inoperative, it is worth remembering that it is that particular and not the clay in general that is not very active. Undoubtedly, this intolerance could be overcome by a gradual process of habituation. but the best thing is to change to a different type of clay. There may be a need to obtain it from other areas or to progbar with numerous different tapes until you find the most favorable color and composition. As a rule, the clay extracted from the region in which one lives usually adapt better to their needs than those from more remote areas, although as in everything, there are also exceptions. The most advisable thing is to try a few different types before deciding which one is best suited to one’s needs. It seems that, in general, greenish is the most active of all, but also the least tolerated in cases of hypersensitivity.
It is clear that it can be used initially, reserving the possibility of changing at the moment in case of unpleasant manifestations, such as nervousness, chills, etc.
The more exposed the clay is to the sun, the air and the rain, the more active it will be, since it allows you to exercise your property of absorbing and storing a remarkable amount of energy coming from other elements, especially the sun. It is possible that these particles, infinitely small, constitute so many capacitors capable of releasing the energy retained by the attraction of an opposite pole. If we take for granted the revitalizing action of the clay, it can be affirmed that it has the virtue of attracting the magnetism of the son as soon as it is exposed to its light. It is precisely this energy that reconstitutes and is exhausted with the use, and perhaps that action
rehabilitating is the one that explains its ability to fix the oxygen in the water that is added.
Therefore, and before using it, it is convenient that the clay has been exposed to the sun’s rays. However, and for storage, dark places are better, because they can be kept indefinitely in them. In an airtight container it will not age more than in the quarry from which it was initially extracted.
Clay does not adapt to the presence of other pharmaceutical medicines ( including homeopathological ), so it is not advisable to combine its action with any medical treatment, especially if it is used internally, since the clay is visible usually canceled by medications. The best you can do is to wait until you are clearly ready to use only the natural method of ingesting clay.
Since clay exerts an extremely powerful action both in the reactions it provokes and the energy it releases, it is impossible to apply it in different places at the same time. If, for example, a poultice or cataplasm of the lower abdomen, it is advisable to wait an hour or more after removing it before applying another to a different area.
Internal use:
Clay should be prepared several hours or even one night in advance. Pour a teaspoon of clay in half a glass of water, use a wooden spoon and deep container of clay or glass, never metal. It is best to drink it in the morning, or at night at bedtime, however, you can also take 15-20 minutes before meals, although it would be better for a minimum of one hour.
The clay modifies itself, and its effects vary according to the method of preparation (cast the clay in water or, conversely, water on dry clay, etc.) and according to the way to drink it or apply it. Therefore, if it is taken before breakfast, a certain tendency to obstruction of the intestines can be observed, whereas, if it is taken at night, very different results are observed. This action on the intestines is the fast, normal and direct effect, but if we intend to calm the stomach pains that occure after eating, we must take the clay immediately before meals.
The clay achieves spectacular results in the recovery of organs and deficient organic functions. It does so by supplying the missing elements and helping the body to fix and assimilate those it previously lacked. These catalyzing substances only have to be present in infinitesimal doses. It is useless to take large quantities, because, as already noted, its action is due to its radiations and not to contain greater or lesser amounts of certain elements. It is also not a simple painkiller or analgesic, and should be used prudently, especially when it is used internally.
In any case, the amount absorbed has a relative importance only, there are people who, unable to swallow the clay, are limited to drinking the water once most of it has settled to the bottom of the glass, and the results are equally satisfying.
The clay-based treatment should be accompanied by healthy and natural eating habits.
External use:
The clay should be prepared in an earthen bowl, use a container of ceramic, porcelain, enamel, wood or glass, but never of metal, aluminum, copper, iron or plastic.
Deposit the clay inside the container, add cold water until it reaches a height of about 12 millimeters above the clay. Let it rest for a few hours without touching it at all, because when it is moved, it becomes sticky and difficult to handle, loses its porosity, becoming smooth and, therefore, impermeable. In that case, your chances of absorption will be considerably reduced. It is not necessary to touch it before using it, since it dissolves quite well. Move it as little as possible by puting it on the plaster or castaplasm. Do not smooth your surface, as it is smoothed over it in a natural way.
The clay prepared should be a smooth paste, extremely homogeneous and not too concentrated, just enough to not disintegrate. Whenever possible, place the container that contains it in the sun. although covering it with gauze to avoid dust and impurities.
Clay temperature:
The clay can be used cold, warm or hot, depending on the specific problem you wish to combat. Whenever it is applied to an overactive organ, already hot, or suffering from fever, the clay should be cold. If there is a cold sensation and it persists, its application should be interrupted. Otherwise, that is, when the clay becomes very hot, it will be advisable to change the plaster after about 5 to 10 minutes. When it is used for purposes of revitalization, bone reconstruction, for the kidneys, the gallbladder, the liver, etc., the clay should be hot or at least warm.
Clay prepared with cold water can be reused by adding water again, but the clay that is prepared with hot water only serves for a single use.
The best method to heat it without losing any of its properties is the so-called maria bath.
Can the clay provoke reactions?:
As all the natural remedies that contribute, either to strengthen the organism, or to eliminate the substances that harm it, it is always possible that unpleasant reactions take place. For example, a varicose ulcer will increase first in size, then the dead flesh from the periphery will fall, the surface will swell and pus or blood will appear. Perhaps, for some time, the pain increases, but then it will decrease and eventually disappear, finally closing the ulcer and producing a recomposition of healthy tissues. As the first action of the clay is to attract the abnormal particles towards the treated part and to clean the ulcers, many times its immediate effect is the previously indicated one of extending the ulcer. In case of internal ulcers, as well as in any type of deep cancer (stomach, uterus, etc.) should be avoided such extension or expansion, it could affect vital organs or exhaust the vital energy of the patient. Therefore, it is best to start with a soft action, and proglonged until you reach your point of decline of the problem.
Once started, is better to do not interrupt the clay-based treatment even temporarily (assuming, of course, that there are no adverse reactions.) Clay is an extremely active agent, its application causes phenomena that initiate chain reactions throughout the body, resulting therefore dangerous to disturb those reactions once begun.
For all this is why, before starting a natural treatment, it is advisable to be properly informed of their possibilities and their development. When a reaction is anticipated, it can be controlled more easily. We should not be afraid of these reactions, since they are desirable, because they are a sign that the organism is responding to this kind of intervention.
You can not predict exactly what will happen with the applications and clay intake, especially at the beginning, but in any case, if not a complete cure, a significant improvement is achieved. The apparent inconveniences added do not represent any danger, and are on the contrary a sign of the effective and beneficial action of the clay.
Dedicated to Ana Luna de Arizona, the guru of the earth, she always has clay prepared, and if you do not need it, she wait for a mosquito to bite you to put a glob of clay. Thanks for sharing so much with me.
Silvia Montes Alonso